ブラジル日本商工会議所 事務局
From: Yoshida, Koji [mailto:kojiyoshida1@kpmg.com.br]
Sent: Monday, June 1, 2020 10:57 AM
Cc: BR-FM KPMG Japanese Practice <br-fmjppractice@kpmg.com.br>; Yoshida, Koji <kojiyoshida1@kpmg.com.br>
Subject: KPMG Brazil Webcastのご案内 (英語 6月3日): COVID-19ブラジル政府対応策 (外国人投資家向け ): Overview of Brazil government and institutional response to Covid-19 for foreign investors, June 3rd
さて、急なご案内となり恐縮ですが、この度KPMG Brazilでは以下の通りにWebcastを実施する運びとなりましたのでご案内致します。
表題: COVID-19ブラジル政府対応策
ご参加頂ける場合には以下の”click here to register”をクリックしお申し込み頂けますようお願い致します。
ご不明な点等ございましたらKPMG Brazil Professionalもしくは私の方までご連絡を頂けますようお願いいたします。
KPMG ブラジル
COVID-19 has forced businesses to look at the status and health of every part of their business. As business leaders begin to address the needs of their foreign operations, they face a complex matrix of government programs, different in approach, scope and scale in each country. What are the programs available? Which businesses or situations are they intended to address? Will these government programs apply to my business?
KPMG is hosting a webinar to provide foreign investors with an overview of the Brazil government’s program to support businesses as they address the economic fallout of COVID-19. This webinar will cover the following areas in the Brazil market:
• Tax measures
• Legal measures
• Employment related measures
• Economic stimulus measures
• Question and answers following presentations
Intended audience: C-suite and key strategy, financing and operational leaders from foreign investors and companies with business interests in Brazil.
Please note the Webinar will be in English.
Date: June 3rd, 11h to 12h15 (São Paulo, GMT – 3h).
* Please, it is recommended to use Chrome
Mauricio Endo
Head of Government
KPMG in Brasil and South America
Marco Andre
Head of Deal Advisory
KPMG in Brazil
and South America
Ericson Amaral
Head of International and M&A Tax
KPMG in Brasil
Luciana Lorenti
Partner of Corporate Law Ferraz de Camargo e Matsunaga Advogados Associados
Valter Shimidu
Partner of Labor & Social Security Tax KPMG in Brasil
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KPMG Brazil
Seconded partner, Japanese CPA
Head of Japan Desk of KPMG Brazil and South America
Tel: +55-11-3940-3643
Cel: +55-11-9 9657-1156
e-mail: kojiyoshida1@kpmg.com.br